Summer Tryout Policy and Proceedures
All players must participate in skill evaluations every year. Before a player can try out, their registration and volunteer fees must be paid. Elk River Youth Softball strives to make the tryout process as impartial and fair as possible. All players will be given two days to do there best with the best score taken for team placement.
Team Formation
6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, HS (16&18U) age brackets defined by USA Softball:
Placement Priority
All players attending school or living in the Elk River School District.
Players that have played for Elk River in at least two consecutive seasons.
Exceptions given on a case by case basis.
Anyone not satisfying the requirements of 1 or 2 above are encouraged to register as it is Elk River Youth Softballs policy to
make every effort to place all who register on a team; however, should the registration numbers make cuts necessary, those satisfying the criteria above must be placed on teams first and the remaining openings would be filled by those registrants from outside the association based on evaluation scores and coach
Elk River Youth Softball recognizes that it has an obligation to our players and to our opponents to form teams with skill levels commensurate to age and competitive ability. Therefore, different tiered teams at all age levels will be formed on the basis of tryout evaluations. The highest tier level team at each age level will include at least 7 of the top players determined through the tryout scores. The remaining players shall be selected by the team coach from the remaining pool of eligible players, taking into account years of experience, tryout evaluations, and participation in Elk River Youth Softball clinics. In addition, the highest tier level team at each age level will include the #1 rated pitcher, as determined though tryout evaluations, "B" & "C" teams will be formed with remaining ball players as the number of kids allow. The Elk River Youth Softball Association Board and the coaches at that age level will approve final decisions. Appropriate level of play is essential for each girl to compete and learn as much as possible at each age level.
Players may request to play down to a lower tier team, subject to approval by the association Board. Specifically, this allows a pitcher or catcher not rated high enough to play that position on the higher level team an opportunity to play down in order to pitch/catch on a lower tier team.
Tryouts may be waived if enrollment at a particular level is less than or equal to the number of players needed to form a team.
Playing Up
USA Softball generally dictates age groupings. The association exists to provide opportunities for girls to perform at the best of their ability and the board recognizes that there may be athletes with exceptional ability who are best served by playing at a more competitive level. Players wishing to play up must make it known as part of the registration before tryouts. Determination for allowing a player to try out at a higher age group will be done by the Elk River Youth Softball board based on a number of factors. If a player is eligible to tryout for a higher age group, she may play at that level if she scores in the top 3 at the higher age level based on the results of the tryouts for that age group. The player cannot be a coach's selection player. If that player does not make the top 3 in the higher age group, that player will be placed on a team in their age group at the discretion of the board based on the best fit.
No player may play up if it causes another player to be cut from playing on a traveling fastpitch team. The Elk River Youth Softball Board must approve all exceptions. The Elk River Youth Softball Board also reserves the right to request a player to move up to a higher age level to fill out rosters in order to maintain the best interests of the program.
Tryout Attendance
Players are required to attend the full tryout process. Illness, injury, or extraordinary personal circumstances may cause players to request an exemption from tryouts. Requests to miss tryouts must be made prior to the start of tryouts unless an injury or illness occurs during the tryouts. Submission of supporting documents,
including doctor’s reports, etc. are highly recommended and should be submitted prior to the end of tryouts for anyone requesting a waiver from tryouts.
The Elk River Youth Softball Board will review the request for exemption and determine the appropriate course of action based
on the best interest of the program. Anyone choosing not to participate in tryouts will be placed on rosters at the discretion of the Team Selection Committee and in the best interests of the program.
Players will be evaluated by judges outside the organization.
Parents and coaches are not allowed in the tryout area for the first day of tryouts. 7 players will be locked on the number one team after the first day and a coach for that team will be picked. The daughter of the coach picked must have the scores to make one of the top 7 players. Coaches will be allowed in the tryout area on the second day to pick the remaining players.
Players will be evaluated on the following skills:
- Pitching Machine and Front Toss and Bunting
- Machine Settings: 14U 50mph, 12U 45mph, 10U 38mph
- Evaluated on contact, power, form.
- 8 grounders total, 2 right at them, 2 slow rollers, 2 to the right side, 2 to the left side
- Evaluated on Position/stance, Fielding, throwing accuracy
- 8 Flyballs total: 2 right at them, 2 to the right side, 2 to the left side, 2 behind
- Evaluated on Position/stand, catching, throw accuracy.
- Throw velocity
Running (speed)
- 60 feet sprint
- Evaluated on time.
Pitching (Optional)
- 8 fastball pitches
- 4 of each secondary pitches
- 3 velocity pitches
Catching (Optional)
- Catching/blocking 5 each
- Throw down to second
- Pop time
- Framing